Meet the Puritans

Meet the Puritans

W hat do you do when two sides are unable to reconcile their theological differences? We have been looking at how the English Dissenters at the end of the seventeenth century dealt with this problem (see parts 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ). Thus far we have considered two things that they did to work out...
W e continue our reading of the "Puritan Paperback," Sermons of the Great Ejection , with the third study of Anglican Thomas Watson (parts 1 , 2 ). “The Great Ejection” was the explusion of nearly 20% of Anglican ministers from their cures in the 1662 Act of Uniformity. Thomas Watson’s sermon...
Update (Monday, October 24): Because of the amount of sign-ups for this giveaway, we are now giving away two (2) of these bundles. Thank you for your interest and support! Please share the news with your friends. Meet the Ps' friends at Reformation Heritage Books has provided us two 3-book bundles...
W e're happy to annouce that the winner of the well-loved, The Valley of Vision , is Dale S. of Milwaukee, WI.
H aving considered John Knox's doctrine of predestination ( part 1 ) and how he related it the attributes of immutability and omniscience ( part 2 ), we now move specifically to election. Election Election for Knox was the “eternall and immutable counsell of God, in which he hath purposed to choose...
“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet.” ("Romeo and Juliet," II, ii, 1–2) J uliet expressed her love for Romeo in these words. Her point was not that she loved the name of Romeo’s family, Montague, but that his name didn’t matter, as it was Romeo whom...
S everal posts ago I began a series of short posts on Owen’s teaching on communion with the Trinity under the analogy of building an iPad (part 1 , 2 ). This third and final post presents his teaching on all three persons in the Godhead. What Does the Owen iPad Look Like?: The Father, the Son, and...
L ike me, many young reformers of my generation and even younger came out of a myriad of non-Reformed but evangelical churches into a Reformed church. Recall the struggles. One of them, no doubt, was over the theology and practice of worship in a Reformed church. In former churches we were taught...
A condemned prisoner was climbing the gallows when William Perkins said to him, “What man! What is the matter with thee? Art thou afraid of death?” The prisoner confessed that he was less afraid of death than of what would follow it. “Sayest thou so,” said Perkins. “Come down again man and thou...
G od wants Christians to baptize their infant children. It took me a while to make such a claim. I was converted at 21 and spiritually raised in Arminian Baptist circles. Eventually, I embraced the “doctrines of grace” and joined a Reformed Baptist church where I started to struggle with my...